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My Future is one I must make myself - Louis L'Amour

I AM..........because we are the creator of our own lives, only we have forgotten this.

It may be quite difficult when you hear this for the first time.


A small or perhaps large example: you create with words, words are  energy.

How often do you say: I am....?

What are you creating at this moment?

Are you creating the future you desire?


Futhermore I know from experience:

The Universe gives you what you need, not what you want!


That is not always easy, which I also know from experience. Sometimes, at first,  we are not even able to even understand it.

Life helps you, but it is important to pay attention to the signals you receive. Signals can come through your work, health, partner, friends, children, pets, etc. etc.  Life is always in motion, what do you want with your life?


Why is it  important to be aware and take control?

The first thing is to know that you always have the opportunity to make choices within the circumstances. It is important to Be Aware, to really BE and not THINK what it is like.

Start with yourself because that is what you can change.


I see mankind as a being of light in an earthly body. It is my life's work to figure out how this works.


This site contains more information that may be of interest to you. I also adjust the site occasionally.

If you have any questions you can email me.








This is what I do